RIGHT NOW, HOW DO YOU FEEL? Perhaps you have been feeling down for a lot longer than you anticipated, which has you concerned that you may be depressed.
Depression can affect how you feel about yourself, how you relate to your family and partner, how you see the world, and it may have an adverse effect on your general physical and mental health.
Despite having bodily effects, it is technically a mental disorder. Your immune system, brain system, renal, and heart health could all be affected.
One could feel anxious or restless, and they might even feel despairing. The ability to eat, sleep, concentrate, and move around can all be impacted by depression.
You could still be impacted if your partner or a member of your family has depression even if you don’t personally experience it. Finding the best course of action for your family requires an understanding of what depression is, as well as the symptoms and counselling of depression.
Depression is a mood illness commonly referred to as major depressive disorder or clinical depression. It’s a widespread mental health issue that manifests as a prolong sense of despair or emptiness along with a variety of other symptoms, including fatigue, sleep issues, a decrease in appetite, overeating, uncontrollable sobbing spells, and occasionally suicidal thoughts.
Different symptoms must be present for at least two weeks in order to be diagnosed. Despite the fact that a single episode rarely lasts for that short time. Typically, symptoms endure between six months and a year, but they can occasionally persist for years.
Additionally, depression can coexist with other mental health issues. such as depression and bipolar. Manic episodes of great energy and emotion (known as bipolar disorder’s mania) alternate with periods of low energy and emotion (or depression).
Anxiety and sadness. Despite being distinct conditions, they frequently coexist in a number of ways. For instance, depression may have symptoms of anxiety, or anxiety disorders may be the cause of your depression.
Depression and OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, are another frequent combo. Additionally, OCD sufferers fit the diagnostic mould for severe depressive disorder.
So what triggers depression? Nobody can definitively say what causes depression.
The following factors may increase your risk of developing depression. However, they can have a significant impact on the onset of depression, thus it’s critical to be aware of them:
- Family history: If a member of your family suffers from depression, your chances of developing it increase.
- Brain changes: There appear to be physical changes in the brains of those who have depression.
- Chemistry: Your mood is influenced by brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. It’s possible that these substances aren’t functioning properly in your body when you experience depression.
- Hormone levels: Changes in your hormone levels brought on by pregnancy, postpartum troubles, thyroid issues, menopause, or other factors might cause depressive symptoms to surface.
- Stress: Depression in certain people can be brought on by a collision of multiple stressful events, including trauma, the death of a loved one, work obligations, abuse, etc.
Do you have concerns that your emotions might indicate clinical depression? Five or more of the following symptoms must occur within a two-week period for someone to be diagnosed with depression.
Most of the time, you feel down.
Loss of enthusiasm for once-enjoyed pastimes and pursuits
Difficulty making decisions, paying attention, or remembering things
A lack of sleep, an early morning wakeup, or oversleeping with reluctance to wake up.
Lack of appetite, which causes weight loss, or eating to make one feel better, which causes weight gain.
Considering harming oneself.
Please get in touch with GOODPSYCHE at goodpsyche.com if you need assistance for yourself or someone else.
Depression Counselling
The following are a few of the counselling options:
- Psychological Counseling : Professionals in the field of mental healthcare will assist you in counselling; they may implement a range of strategies to support in changing the unfavorable attitudes, thoughts, or actions that worsen your mood and make your circumstances appear hopeless.
- CBT for Depression: a common form of talk therapy, it is an innovative method of learning how to think, act, and approach life in a positive way by recognizing and assessing spontaneous thoughts that can result in undesirable behavior or results.
- Interpersonal Therapy for Depression: private counseling sessions with a focus on interpersonal connections, it attempts to alter problematic relationship patterns and symptoms of depression.
- Antidepressant drugs
Presentation of a Case
ABC is a 42-year-old male who owns his own construction company. He works in both the office as well as on site helping with his crew. 3 months ago ABC began developing pain in his back. He denies the pain and has made his job increasingly difficult. To control the pain he has been taking frequent breaks during the workday to lie down in his truck but feels that his crew is judging him for not pushing through the pain. He also reports that his pain has been preventing him
from sleeping, which has been affecting his ability to run his company. He was hoping that the pain would resolve on it’s own but recently he has felt that he should “just give up” on trying to get better. He is starting to find that he is always tired and reports that he “kind of doesn’t care if the business fails” because he believes working is the reason he is in pain. He decided that he would try anything to make the pain go away but he is unsure of how exercise will help him. ABC currently smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and has no outstanding past medical history.
His outcome measures indicate that depression, low pain self-efficacy, and fear avoidance influence his daily life. Patient was referred to clinical psychologist. Co counselling occurred for entirety of physical therapy sessions. Patient was discharged after 5 weeks once back pain resolved but continues to seek mental health counselling.
Where Do I Go for Help with Depression?
Finding helpful individuals and interacting with them online and in person is a crucial aspect of taking care of yourself, along with counselling and medicine. . By using the mental health services locator, you can also find free or affordable assistance in your state or city.
Delhi is the chosen location for therapy because it is believed that the best psychologists there work there and employ techniques to cure a variety of chronic conditions. A clinical platform is located in Delhi. Sandeep Dhillon, a counselling psychologist and the founder of Goodpsyche in Delhi, supports a range of research projects, such as clinical trials that consider novel approaches to preventing, detecting, or treating diseases and ailments, including bipolar disorder. With regard to their needs for mental health, it tries to provide consumers with a complete and all-inclusive basket. There, the top psychologists and psychiatrists practise, and they are constantly available to treat mental health issues like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and OCD.